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Join the TEDx Cherry Creek Family

Learn what it means to be a part of TED and TEDx.
This global community involves thinkers, doers, volunteers, supporters, and everyone who wants to learn, share, or simply be a part of a growing community of excited and committed people who believe in Ideas Worth Spreading. Our goal is to spark conversation, connection and community.
Below you’ll find information on how to join our team, who some of our current and former sponsors are, and how you can partner with us if associating with TEDx is something that fits within your goals.



Looking for a way to align your organization with the TED brand?
We have a variety of sponsorship levels to suit any
organizational needs and budget. 

If you believe in working on something greater than yourself, being part of team that serves others, works together for the greater good, and becoming part of the TEDx community we are looking for you.

We’d like to invite you to become a part of the TEDxCherryCreek Team and Family.

Being part of a TEDx team is hard work.
It’s also incredibly rewarding work.
Beyond that, however, there are many reasons to join the TEDxCherryCreek team as a volunteer.

  • The TEDx brand is known world wide. This means that associating yourself as part of the curation team of TEDx events is a great marker on your resume.
  • As part of our team you will learn a variety of new skills. Everyone plays a part and everyone gets involved. It truly takes a village to put on a TEDx event. Joining this team will expose you to many skills you might not have thought you wanted to learn.
  • Learning the behind the scenes of putting on a TEDx event is also helpful if you want to be on the TEDx stage yourself. What better way to understand what it takes than being part of the team that makes it happen?
  • Joining the TEDx community affords you opportunities to connect with like minded people all over the world. 
  • You can also be part of the Speaker Selection Team to help curate and select the next group of presenters for one of our events.
  • Able to attend all TEDxCherryCreek events.

Important Note: Being part of the TEDxCherryCreek Team DOES NOT preclude you from being on our stage. (in many ways, it could help)

Below you will see a list of some of the positions we have on our team. If something seems like a good fit to you, please use the form at the bottom of the page to let us know. Tell us about yourself, the position you’d like to take on and why you think you’d be a great fit.

We can’t wait to hear from you.


Communications / Editorial Director

Managing a strong online presence surrounding our events is crucial. The primary responsibilities of this role is promoting our events to the public and driving the communications across website content, blogs, social media and more.


Speaker Marketing

Once a presenter has given their talk it’s really just the beginning. Helping them navigate the ever changing world of marketing and dispurse their Idea Worth Spreading to the widest possible audience is what this role is all about.


Volunteer Coordinator

This role is responsible for helping the Event Manager oversee the day-of-event volunteers. It includes planning and training volunteers as well as ensuring that volunteers who help make our TEDx events possible have the best experience possible.


Livestream / YouTube Technical Director

This role will work closely with the Executive Producer and the production team in planning and execution of the livestream components of our events. Our livestream uses OBS and YouTube Live as well as possibly Facebook Live.


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